Monday, January 31, 2011

First Blog- AED redu

Well I got a little ahead of myself in the first blog, got excited, and clicked "publish post" before I actually answered the necessary questions. Wups.

1. So, the whole process of setting up my gmail account was nothing I was not familiar with as I already had a gmail account.  But, as for the process of setting up my blog, which I have no experience using or doing or anything...I was completely blown away with how simple it was to create my own blog. 
2. As for what I expect to learn, I am trying not to set many expectations and just be open minded to whatever the class has to offer.  I am a pretty creative person, I love all forms of art and look forward to learning new material.
3. To be perfectly honest, I'm experiencing mixed feelings about taking online courses.  Part of me thinks, it will be an enjoyable experience because I won't be commuting back and forth to campus in the cold.  Yet the other part of me is apprehensive and a bit nervous about the work, in terms of basically having to teach myself.  But, overall, I am staying optimistic and open-minded and will deal with the challenges as they come.

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